How To Be The Best Blogger Ever

Blogging Tips

Do Not Forget About Those Who Already Follow You

In order to grow as a blogger, a larger audience is required. While this is true, it is the audience that you already possess that is the most important portion of getting your blog to thrive.

Followers that have been reading your posts are coming back for a reason. Maybe you have been listening to their voices and posting what they want to hear. Maybe they simply think the same way that you do. Whatever the case, they like what you are doing and want to hear more.

The Huffington Post wrote a great article about common pitfalls that the average blogger falls for. I really suggest you give it a read.

Because they like the information that you are presenting to them, your readers will then share on social media and discuss in person about their favorite articles that you have written. From this, their friends might find some interest in the excitement over this article, and may read it for themselves. As a result, more and more traffic will flow in to your blog over time. This will naturally result in your audience becoming larger and larger.

If you forget about these core followers and only are trying to obtain new followers, your blog posts will reflect this and your fans may react negatively to this. While it may not be instantaneous, your followers may unsubscribe to your blog and instead of gaining new followers, you will be losing ones that you already had.

Be Proactive in Obtaining New Followers

Blogs have been around for a while (see their history here).

Many blog posts that you make will draw attention to them. There will be a lot of people who enjoy the content they read and then leave your blog and never return. This is a problem.

As a solution to this problem, you should directly ask your readers to subscribe to your posts. To do this, a statement at the end of your post should be made. This statement should grab your reader’s attention and prompt them to either subscribe to the email list that you hopefully have or to follow your socials media account(s).

Without writing this explicit statement at the bottom of the post, you are expecting your readers to go out and find your social media accounts. While some of them may do this, the majority of them will simply finish reading your blog post and then leave your blog. By not making the effort to reach out to your reader, you would have just lost the chance to obtain a new follower.

While the loss of one follower is not devastating, this is not a one-time event. This situation may happen consistently throughout the day. The worst part is that it can be fixed by simply adding a statement prompting the reader to follow your social media account or subscribe to your email list.

Readers Love Getting Things

While it is alright to rely on your posting to grow your audience, there are more ways to attract attention to your blog. One of these methods is by purchasing items and then giving them away in a contest to fans that subscribe to your email list.

People love getting free things. Whether it’s at the mall or as part of a deal on a television commercial, free stuff is usually the bait that draws people in to whatever the end-goal is. For a blogger, this end-goal is simply obtaining more readers.

One important detail for having a giveaway such as this is to purchase items that are not junk. The prize for winning this contest should be something that is worth subscribing to an email list to obtain. When choosing an item, put yourself in the place of the reader. Would this be something that you would get excited for? If it is, chances are that someone else would be just as excited. If not, maybe you should try looking for something else.

Overall, this tip is almost guaranteed to bring success to your blog. As a result, you should take advantage of it and have a giveaway as often as you can.

Schedule Regular Posting

Another great tip for blogging is to have a schedule of when to put out new content. Often, bloggers will simply write posts only when they feel like it. They may post once for one week, then post twice the next week, then skip a week, and then post one more on the following week. This lack of predictability and reliability causes readers to forget about a blog. They may lose interest, which will in turn cause your audience numbers to drastically lower.

One method of dealing with this is to write multiple posts and automatically schedule them to be published at the same time each week. Ideally, a blog should post twice a week in order to maintain the level of traffic that is coming to the blog. As a result, this method can be useful to bloggers who know what they want to talk about and can produce multiple articles at a time.

For those who can only write when they are going to immediately post something, once a week should be alright. Those who have to take this approach should try their best to still have these posts sent out at the same time each week. By doing this, your readers will appreciate being able to reliably see new content from your blog.

Blogging Tips

Do Not Compromise Your Values to Appease Your Audience

One of the most important tips for blogging is to always write about what you believe in. For example, the writers of Cool Kid Problems really cover a lot of material, but they do so in a way that still allows them to give their honest and unbiased opinion on the topic at hand.

Too often, bloggers choose to write about what they think their readers want to hear. They leave out their own opinions in order to keep their audience happy and try to maintain their followers. However, this is a common misconception about what you should do.

So what if someone doesn’t like what you wrote? It is your opinions that people want to read. They are following you because they want to know about what you think. Once you start to change the way you present your information in your blog posts, the readers will catch on and lose interest. In order to avoid this, write the words that truly express how you feel. Your readers will appreciate this and will be able to notice it in your writing. It is important to keep how you write consistent to what you believe in.

While you may not think your readers will realize any difference in the style of writing that you produce, it will be noticeable enough to make them feel uneasy about the change in the way you present your information.

Blogging For Your Audience

Blogging Tips

Make Blog Posts the Way YOU Want Them to Be

One of the downfalls of many bloggers is writing posts that ONLY interest the followers, and not the blogger. Writing for yourself is the only way that you will enjoy what you are doing enough to continue writing. This may conflict with writing about the interests of your followers, but that is okay.

Writing about information that is interests you will make you more confident about writing your post and give you more motivation to get it done. Using what you are enthusiastic about is very important and can keep you motivated to continue in your blogging.

Motivation is vital to the success of a blogger because it will make sure that new content is published frequently. Your audience will be very grateful that they can reliably visit your blog and see new material often. This will make sure that they are constantly coming back.

Overall, by putting your own interests at the front of each blog post, you will be doing not only yourself a favor, but also your followers. Even if some of them may not agree with what you are posting, it is better to love what you are doing than to view it as a chore that must be completed.

Gather the Contact Information of your Audience

Another blogging tip that is very important is to obtain the information of the people that visit your blog and follow what you do. This should be started immediately and has several advantages that you can reap the rewards of.

Typically, this contact information is in the form of email addresses of the people who follow your blog. When a post is created, you should always give your followers the chance to subscribe to your blog. This subscription can be done with a button that is at the beginning and end of the post, and should always be clearly visible here. By clicking this button, the reader will be prompted to enter their email address.

Once this is done, you will have a reliable way to ensure that your followers are receiving notifications whenever you are going to release new content. This is extremely important because knowing that you have an audience who has a strong desire to read future content will motivate you to write more posts. As a blogger, motivation is one of the best tools to stay focused and able to make new information consistently.

By using the email addresses of your followers, you won’t have to worry about if your posts will ever be seen.  You should still attempt to make your posts have a good search ranking. However, utilizing this email list will let you rest easy knowing that you have people out there who are reading your content.

In order to grow as a blogger, a larger audience is required. While this is true, it is the audience that you already possess that is the most important portion of getting your blog to thrive.

Useful Blogging Tips I’ve Learned Over The Years

Blogging Tips

Using the People Who Follow You to Know What to Write About

A really useful blogging tip is to get post topic ideas from the people who actually care about what you are writing. By asking your audience what they want to read about, you are ensuring that they will stay engaged with what you have to say. In addition, on-page engagement will make it more likely for people to use social media to further promote your posts. Think about that, you are getting free advertisement through social media!

Along this idea, it may be worthwhile to run promotional campaigns or giveaways to incentivize people to actually give their thoughts on your next post. It really doesn’t take much; just a small twenty dollar amazon gift card is enough to make people comment like crazy on your blog post.

Furthermore, when you do use someone’s idea for a blog post, make sure that you publicly thank them and notify them that you took their advice. The person will definitely be much more inclined to share your post and will certainly continue to engage with your other content that you put out. In other words, you just created a fan for life!

The easiest way to get these ideas is either through a blog post on your site, or through social media itself, where you can directly interact with people who wouldn’t normally see your content.

Learn the Interests of You Followers

Another useful tip in blogging and creating a blog is to find out what makes your followers tick. What this means is discovering for yourself the interests of the group of people that has devoted some time to your writing.

Now you may wonder why this is important. You might already have people who read your information and are still coming back to see what else you have to say. Why should you alter the way that you write? Well, learning the interests of your followers means that they will better connect with what you are talking about. While it may be true that you have people that are reading your posts, can you really be sure that they will keep coming back? This strategy gives you a solid chance that you are engaging your followers in the best possible way.

The best way to do this is probably through social media. Before writing a post in your blog, ask your followers if it is something they would like to read about. Many platforms offer ways to create polls where you can ask your question, and have your followers choose whether or not they like your idea. If they like it, you know that you have some people thinking about your future post and are excited to see it. If they do not like it, you have two options. You can either scrap the post or write it anyway.